Who Attends?

at p3c, we bring the project owners to you!

with Our audience consisting of 30-40% public sector/project owners, p3c is where you’ll connect wiht past, current and future project partner. 

P3C is the industry’s annual gathering of the public and private sector, bringing together senior management from firms in the construction, engineering, architecture, legal and consulting industries as well as public leaders, and development agency officials at the municipal, state, and federal levels of government. P3C attracts key decision makers involved in or exploring alternative project delivery methods for their upcoming project.

From the Public Sector?
This is your opportunity to connect with your peers who are experiencing similar infrastructure challenges. Connect, share experiences, learn from one another, and gain invaluable insights that will propel your next project across the finish line. Why should I attend? 

From the Private Sector?
Looking for that next project or partner? P3C brings the entire infrastructure ecosystem together, at one place, at one time. No need to fly around the country for meetings when you can connect with everyone in Dallas! Why should I attend?

First Time Attendee?
Attendees with little experience in the development and operation of non-traditional delivery models will benefit from our industry experts presenting their knowledge and valuable insights into the market trends crucial for business decisions.

Attended Before? 
There are over 19,000 incorporated cities in America, each with evolving infrastructure needs. If you’ve attended before, you’ll need to attend again to meet new public sector individuals looking for their next project partner. 


Key decision makers across municipal, state and federal levels of governments including public agencies focused on economic development, public-planning, finance, procurement, transportation, and infrastructure.

Elected Officials

Mayors, Deputy/Vice Mayors, Council Members, and Commissioners.

Private Industry

  • Senior management from firms in the construction, engineering, architecture, legal and consulting industries.
  • C-level executives, presidents, vice presidents, business development leaders, and managing directors.

2024 Registered Organizations Included: